living on mission

on living on mission

If I were to look back at the reticent days of my childhood; my shyness and insecurities I would’ve never thought that I would be a woman in the forefront of anything.

Truth be told if my mom hadn’t found constructive ways to build my sense of confidence I would’ve grown up afraid of the world; the people, places and all the things. Thankfully my parents persevered and day by day and year after year I began to bloom.

I have become a quintessential woman assured of her existence and calling. I love who I am and what I’ve been commissioned to do.

My life’s work and existence intersects at esteeming God’s glory through all things and bringing people into their fulfillment of health and living. It is my desire that as you browse this site you will not only learn more about what I do but be inspired to find and live your own God-given mission.

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