Abiding bible study

A Safe Faith Space for Women to Study the Word of God


I knew it was time…

I had been feeling a nudge for what quickly became 2 years. Of course you never feel that you are completely prepared. There is always so much more to learn, so much more to read, so much more to experience with God. The nudges grew from gentle to a constant throb in my heart. I was feeling, “its time its time…”

If I had it my way I would’ve let me simmer on the stove a little longer, but it is very characteristic of God to do things untraditionally and in His own fashion.


Fall 2023 I launched Abiding Bible Study with a burden to reclaim God’s daughters back to Him. The mission is simple, to understand the bible in a way that reflects identity, divine love and faith.

Women of all backgrounds; faith and non-faith, are welcome to join Abiding.

Abiding is a haven of instruction where we learn how to be with God, no performance and nothing to earn. We understand that all He desires is our presence.


Current series:

Understanding African Spirituality

Black women are leaving the church at an accelerated rate

This study will help us understand the issues with black women and the faith

We will understand what the bible says to affirm and support women

We will hear from women of faith and women who have left the faith

The Outcome: Enhance learning while building our faith and understanding our sisters

Mondays Live at 6pm CST


The Foundation of African Spirituality & Foundational Biblical Principles


Feminism & Womanhood.

Why Faith & African Spirituality Can’t Be Practiced Together.

Initiations, Black Magic & Daring to Leave African Spirituality


Black Pride & Representation in the Bible. The Importance of the Black Woman in Faith. How Christ Supports & Protects Black Women.